Products and Services
RDI for space related camera systems, Cubesat subsystems and Cubesat launch services
Cameras for spacecrafts
Monitoring, navigation, SSA cameras for satellites, landers and rovers
Consultancy, Cubesat Launch & Testing
Experts from Crystalspace are happy to consult you with your projects. CrystalSpace provides full end-to-end CubeSat launch service from ISS
Rover Camera Systems
We have developed and built camera systems for Lunar Rovers. Crystalspace develops and offers mono and stereo camera systems for monitoring processes and navigation for space rovers. Contact us for more information!
Vaccuum Chamber Cameras
Fully immersible cameras designed for monitoring vacuum chamber processes from the inside. Developed in cooperation with ESA

Founders and Directors

Pätris Halapuu
CEO, Founder

Jaan Viru
CTO, Founder